#Dark moonlight rixing free#
On the day where Virginia is to give a speech to the Solar Republic giving one last plea of help to free Darrow, Sevro tracks down The Syndicate Queen on Earth. Having managed to locate Sevro, Virginia kidnaps the Duke of Hands and attempts to pry information on The Syndicate's Queen and the location of their missing children. She suspects treachery from her allies in the Forum, especially Publius. Virginia struggles to keep her power as the Sovereign with her allies growing increasingly hostile due to her continued support for Darrow's agenda. Darrow's forces narrowly manage to win the battle by seizing control of Mercury's center of commerce Heliopolis with the arrival of the warship Morning Star. Darrow kills his pilot Orion, who attempts to use the Storm God indiscriminately. During the battle, Lysander loses an eye and his companion Seraphina is killed Ajax betrays Lysander and leaves him to die in vengeance for Lysander's favorable position with the family as a child. Lysander and his former friend Ajax au Grimmus participate in an Iron Rain against Darrow's armies, but Darrow fights back with a Storm God, a previously hidden terraforming tool used as a weapon. Lysander and the Raa family meet Atalantia to broker an alliance between The Rim and The Core in order to defeat Darrow and give rise to a new Society.

Darrow and his legions are barricaded from all sides on Mercury from Society forces.